2019, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (2)
Relationship stress and fatigue: a study in the labor field
Vega VCZ, Nava QC
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 946-961
PDF size: 180.50 Kb.
The stress is related to physical and psychological ailments, among them
one very interesting is the relationship between stress and labor fatigue,
dueor to this is that the purpose of this study was to investigate the
relationship between fatigue and stress job. For this purpose we chose a
sample of workers from public, private and independent workers, which
was divided for methodological purposes. The strategies of analysis of
results were non-parametric, in particular they were the Rho Spearman
and the analysis of logistic regression. The analysis of results shows
negative and significant correlations, both for the sample under study, as
well as for the sample comparison. On the other hand, logistic regression
analysis by steps reveals, more specifically, that interpersonal stress,
satisfaction and stress have greater weight to explain labor fatigue. The
discussion of these results is focused on some methodological aspects
and on the theoretical and clinical implications, as well as on heuristic
aspects of this study.
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