2019, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (2)
Evaluation of the emotional area of minors who come to a special education center
Ruiz de Chávez DM
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 876-887
PDF size: 146.91 Kb.
The evaluation of the emotional area in the past did not matter
when a diagnosis of special needs in education was made,
since in that context they focused on academic learning, this has
now changed; more information about the relevance of the
emotional area is already known. For this reason it is necessary
to study more in children with special educational needs their
emotional area to diagnose a necessary intervention. Therefore,
the objective of the research was focused on making the
diagnosis of the emotional area of children who are served at
USAER # 13 in the school Justo Sierra de Tepic Nayarit. The
design of this research is descriptive and transversal. The
sample consisted of 44 children, to whom the Drawing Test of
the Human Figure was applied. In the analysis of the indicators
of the instrument, the category of insecurity and withdrawal
stands out, presenting it to 32% of the participants, as well as
feelings of inadequacy, when presented in 30%. Although there
were not very high percentages, but there is still an area of
opportunity for emotional work with these infants.
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