2018, Number 6
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2018; 17 (6)
Registry of Chronic Kidney Disease in Primary Health Care in Cuba, 2017
Pérez-Oliva DJF, Almaguer LM, Herrera VR, Martínez MM, Martínez MM
Language: English
References: 40
Page: 1009-1021
PDF size: 586.41 Kb.
Introduction: The basis of the National Health
System in Cuba is the Primary Health Care; the
family doctor registers the patients to evaluate
the risks, to carry out the treatment, and followup
them in the community. Chronic Kidney
Disease affects the 10% of the adult population,
that is why the active surveillance is necessary.
Objectives: To evaluate and compare all patient
registries of Chronic Kidney Disease and Chronic
Kidney Disease with Diabetes Mellitus (2014-
Material and Methods: The total of patients
registered with Chronic Kidney Disease
(glomerular filtration rate <60 mL/min/1.73 m2), and among them the diabetic patients;
comparing the prevalence rate per 1 000
inhabitants, (sex, age, province). The data were
obtained from the registries of the National
Direction for Statistics.
Results: Dispensarization increased in 2017 vs
2014: CKD 21,0%, and CKD with diabetes mellitus
47,21%. It increased according to age and it
reached its maximum value in the group of 60-64
year-old ages for the CKD (8,99 per 1 000
inhabitants) and among them, more than 65
years old (1,35 per 1 000 inhabitants) for CKD
with Diabetes Mellitus. There are differences in
rates in the provinces in a frequency of CKD (6,28-
1,06), and CKD with Diabetes Mellitus (0,82-0,11).
The diagnosis of CKD-DM vs the existent diabetic
and dispensarized population between 1,25-0,1%
also varies.
Conclusions: The dispensarization has increased
for CKD and CKD with Diabetes Mellitus. The
cuban state guarantees the sustainability of the
universal access of the medical care in each
community; the advice to patients; the diagnostic
tools and the covering of essential medications.
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