2018, Number 6
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2018; 17 (6)
M-learning as a working tool in the teaching of English at the Medical University
Carreras LG, Gamallo CF, Díaz VRR
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 995-1004
PDF size: 728.00 Kb.
Introduction: A communicative-interactive
process with a humanistic vision is indispensable
in the teaching-learning process of the English
language, and should be carried out in favourable
classroom conditions in which the students
enjoy, reflect, take a risk, and accept
responsibility for the solution of tasks that satisfy
their needs.
Objective: To reflect upon the use of m-learning
as a working tool in the teaching of English at the
Medical University.
Material and Methods: Theoretical methods of
analysis and synthesis of literature and
documentary reviews allowed us to gather
information about the topic.
Development: M-learning is the teachinglearning
process methodology which facilitates
the construction of knowledge, the solution of
problems, and the development of different skills
in an autonomous way through the use of small
electronic devices such as mobiles, tablets,
PocketPC, among others.
Conclusions: A reflection is made on the use of
m-learning as a working tool in the teaching of
English at the Medical University as well as its
benefits and potentialities not only as a way of
communication, but also as a teaching aid which
contributes to the development of the teachinglearning
process. However, there are difficulties
that can affect its effectiveness and use.
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