2019, Number 2
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EduMeCentro 2019; 11 (2)
Models on health promotion in international family medicine and implications in comprehensive general medicine
Bonal RR
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 175-191
PDF size: 157.59 Kb.
Background: the concepts of health and health promotion have evolved in recent years, ranging from a medical concept to a more general one, which has led to new redefinitions.
Objective: to identify the different models / approaches in health promotion in international contemporary family medicine to propose an integrating model based on the best of each identified model.
Method: a literature review was carried out from January to March 2019 in the databases: MEDLINE and SciELO, using keywords such as: health promotion, and family medicine, family physician, general practice, general practitioner; We consulted textbooks of Family and Community Medicine from countries such as the United States, Canada, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, and book chapters and basic bibliography on health promotion of recognized authors, using as an inclusion criterion the practice and teaching of health promotion in family medicine.
Results: the different models of health promotion in international family medicine are presented: biomedical, educational, behavioral/lifestyles, empowerment, stages of life, socio-environmental, social inequalities in health, ecological and salutogenic, which were analyzed from different points of view of several authors.
Conclusions: after a process of induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis, an integrating model is proposed that gathers the best of the identified models which could be applied to the Cuban comprehensive general medicine.
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