2019, Number 2
The film debate as a learning resource in the teaching of Psychiatry
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 148-162
PDF size: 237.92 Kb.
Background: the film debate is a pedagogical tool of great utility for the teaching-learning process in Psychiatry.Objective: to corroborate the usefulness of the film debate as a learning resource during the rotation of the Medicine students by Psychiatry.
Methods: a descriptive investigation was carried out with a qualitative-quantitative approach in the field of medical sciences, in “Ph.D. Luis San Juan Pérez” University Psychiatric Provincial Hospital from Villa Clara during the second semester of the 2016-2017 academic year. Methods of the theoretical level were used: analytic-synthetic, inductive-deductive and systemic-structural; and empirical ones: documentary analysis of the syllabus of the subject and survey in the form of an interview with the students, professors, in addition, criteria of specialists were taken into account.
Results: the majority of the students stated that the film debate constitutes a novel way to identify symptoms, syndromes and entities that cannot be addressed in their entirety during the rotation, the motivation for the specialty was developed and they were satisfied with the depth of the debates and interpretations carried out of each phenomenon, they believe to have strengthened their general culture and the essential values of the profession, it also fostered their passion for cinema. The professors and specialists described as novel, pertinent and timely the application of this resource to work on the contents of the specialty.
Conclusions: the film debate was implemented as a learning resource in the teaching of Psychiatry with positive results. The students, professors and specialists rated the experience as adequate and suggested continuing to use it in the subsequent rotations.
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