2019, Number 2
Easy items with excellent discrimination for a Human Anatomy exam: is that possible?
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 98-116
PDF size: 288.99 Kb.
Background: assessment is an essential element in the teaching-learning process, that´s why its quality is indispensible in the massive current conditions.Objective: to analyze the quality of short answer items in the Human Anatomy ordinary exam of the nervous ,endocrine and Reproductive systems in Matanzas University of Medical Sciences, in the school year (2016- 2017).
Methods: an assessment study was carried out in the field of the teaching-learning process, within the medical education. Theoretical, empirical and statistics processing methods were applied. Human Anatomy items in their difficulty and discrimination levels of 513 ordinary exams were analyzed.
Results: among the most relevant results stand out: question 1, the difficulty of the items fluctuated from highly to fairly easy, eventhoug the discrimination was good, since few students made mistakes, but they didn´t pass the exam, but with excellent discrimination in highly easy items. Question 2 had an average difficulty, with fairly easy and difficult items and the discrimination level was excellent. Items c and d showed an unusual relation but with good difficulty combination, and with excellent discrimination. In questions 4, 5 y 7 the results were good, but item 7.5 had an unfavorable relation for assessment, with a poor discrimination in a highly easy item.
Conclusions: the applied exam had a balanced and adequate difficulty according to standards and discrimination was mainly qualified as excellent.
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