2019, Number 2
Assessment of the application of the curricular strategy of researching and computing in Medicine
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 48-63
PDF size: 161.03 Kb.
Background: curricular strategies are applied to achieve objectives related to knowledge and skills in graduate education.Objective: to assess the application of the methodology to implement the curricular strategy of researching and computing sciences in the third year of Medicine.
Methods: an assessment research was carried out at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Holguín University of Medical Sciences, from March to July 2017; Theoretical methods were applied: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and historical-logical; empirical methods: the documentary review, the observation to classes and the questionnaire survey to students and professors; and statistical procedures: the calculation of the relative and position indices, the scale element correlation and the Cronbach's Alpha.
Results: three variables were determined to meet the researching objective: knowledge of the methodology to implement the curricular strategy of researching and computing in its theoretical and practical dimension, which was assessed as partially fulfilled; teacher preparation, where it was proven that they are oriented on how to apply their actions; and preparation of the students, partially fulfilled because they were assigned low values in some of its items, and after triangulating this information with the results of the observation to classes, some insufficiencies in its application were determined.
Conclusions: the study of the data obtained with the application of the statistical methods and procedures made it possible to assess that the application of the methodology was partially met during the period analyzed.
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