2019, Number 2
Child emotional expression and its relationship with family functioning in Kuito-Bié, Republic of Angola
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 32-47
PDF size: 183.79 Kb.
Background: the study of emotions is important because of the way they interact in the reality of the individual, their daily life, in each individual experience, and particularly in its family environment.Objective: to characterize the relationship between emotional expression and family functioning of Angolan children from 8 to 10 years old, from a correlational study.
Methods: a descriptive-correlational study was carried out in the municipality of Kuito, province of Bié, Republic of Angola, from September to July 2016. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, historical-logical and systemic-structural; empirical ones: observation and interview for the application of psychological assessment instruments: questionnaire of childhood emotions and test of perception of family functioning.
Results: about the frequency, in which emotions were expressed in schoolchildren, the intermediate response "sometimes" predominated in most emotions; among the pleasures they mentioned joy; while the unpleasant ones were anxiety and sadness, expressed from manifestations of extra verbal and verbal nature. In functional families, semi-expressive and expressive styles prevailed, while dysfunctional styles were distinguished by using a repressive or unadjusted expressive style, with the prevalence of authoritarianism and permissiveness.
Conclusions: emotional expression and its relationship with family functioning in children aged 8 to 10 years of Kuito-Bié, Republic of Angola was characterized and a direct link between pleasurable emotions and functional families was determined, while most of the unpleasant emotions are present in dysfunctional family environments.
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