2019, Number 2
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Rev CONAMED 2019; 24 (2)
Analysis of cases of psychiatric patients
Gómez FC
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 95-104
PDF size: 117.81 Kb.
This article presents five cases of psychiatric patients with a poor family network. What can be done when there is no family to take care of the mentally ill, or when the family does not have the necessary skills and abilities to face this situation? Although treatment and social reintegration improve when a committed and responsible family is involved and accompanies the patient in the process, what is done if there is no family to accompany the patient? What role does the social state and public policies play in addressing this problem? The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities created a new right: the right to live in the community. This right implies that people live in the community and access the same services as everyone, instead of being institutionalized and assigned to administrative ghettos. This is the great challenge.
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