2019, Number 2
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2019; 23 (2)
System of indicators to assess the relevance and social impact in the bachelor's degree in clinical bioanalysis
Leal FA, Lemus GDR, Valdés VAC, Ferro GB
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 278-285
PDF size: 443.67 Kb.
Introduction: in the documentary review prior to the self-assessment of the degree in Clinical
Bioanalysis with a view to accreditation, the particularities related to the pertinence and social
impact of it are not described, which makes it possible to objectively assess this variable, not
even the indicators are taken into account that reflect the aspects related to the professional
profile declared in the program of study of this degree and the quality of the professional
performance of the graduate.
Objective: to design a system of indicators for the assessment of the pertinence and social
impact in the Bachelor's degree in Clinical Bioanalysis at Dr. Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna
School f Medical Sciences in Pinar del Río.
Methods: the dialectical materialist was the method used as the guiding one, along with
theoretical methods: historical and logical, modeling, induction-deduction, empirical
approaches: documentary review, survey, interview, expert judgment and statisticaldescriptive
Results: the system of indicators to evaluate pertinence and social impact on the training of
the degree of Clinical Bioanalysis, theoretically sustained on foundations from the educational
sciences that made it possible, with the determination of indicators that respond to the model
of the professional in this modality. The criterion of experts with the application of the Delphi
method was transcendent for the validation of the system.
Conclusions: a system of indicators was developed to evaluate the variable relevance and
social impact in the Bachelor's degree of Clinical Bioanalysis with a systemic and
contextualized approach, which constitutes an instrument that allows the evaluation of the
relevance and impact of the graduate.
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