2019, Number 2
Nosocomial pneumonia in the provincial hospital of Pinar del Río
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 187-194
PDF size: 431.74 Kb.
Introduction: during the onset of nosocomial pneumonia, adequate assistance, treatment, recovery and follow-up must be given to patients. It is therefore essential to strengthen strategies and actions to prevent deaths and the associated sequelae.Objective: to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of nosocomial pneumonia at Dr. León Cuervo Rubio Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital in 2017.
Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study was conducted at this provincial hospital in Pinar del Río during 2017; 157 patients represented the target group and 113 patients met the inclusion criteria for sample choice. The statistical processing of the information was carried out using computerized means and reflected by descriptive statistics in absolute and relative percentage frequencies.
Results: the age group of 70 to 79 years and male sex prevailed, where hypertension was the prevailing disorder in patients with nosocomial pneumonia. The most significant isolated germ was coagulase-positive staphylococcus and respiratory diseases were evidenced among the causes of admission.
Conclusions: the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of nosocomial pneumonia in patients hospitalized at Dr. León Cuervo Rubio Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital were explained, a study that enriches and expands the medical assistance towards a care of better quality to these patients, as well as a reduction in morbidity and mortality rates.
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