2019, Number 3
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Gac Med Mex 2019; 155 (3)
Aplicaciones terapéuticas por acción de los cannabinoides
Plancarte-Sánchez R, Mansilla-Olivares A, De los Reyes-Pacheco VA, Meneses-González F
Language: Spanish
References: 60
Page: 307-318
PDF size: 212.25 Kb.
The interest on cannabinoids became evident between the 1940 and 1950 decades. Although the active substance of the plant
was not known, a series of compounds with cannabinomimetic activity were synthesized, which were investigated in animals
and clinically. The most widely tested was Δ6α, 10α-THC hexyl. Δ6α, 10α-THC dimethylheptyl (DMHP) antiepileptic effects
were studied in several children, with positive results being obtained in some cases. DMHP differs from sinhexyl in that its side
chain is DMHP instead of n-hexyl. The first cannabinoid isolated from Cannabis sativa was cannabinol, although its structure
was correctly characterized several years later. Cannabidiol was isolated some years later and was subsequently characterized
by Mechoulam and Shvo. In 2013, the National Academy of Medicine and the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous
University of Mexico, through the Seminar of Studies on Entirety, decided to carry out a systematic review on a subject that
is both complex and controversial: the relationship between marijuana and health. In recent years, studies have been conducted
with cannabis in several diseases: controlled clinical trials on spasticity in multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury, chronic,
essentially neuropathic, pain, movement disorders (Gilles de Latourette, dystonia, levodopa dyskinesia), asthma and glaucoma,
as well as non-controlled clinical trials on Alzheimer’s disease, neuroprotection, intractable hiccups, epilepsy, alcohol and opioid
dependence and inflammatory processes.
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