2018, Number 3
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Rev Cub Oftal 2018; 31 (3)
Modified resection of the upper eyelid levator aponeurosis
Hernández SY, Herrera PJA, Estrada AB, Vilar SS, Fernández GO
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 107.01 Kb.
Objective: Describe the usefulness of the technique of modified aponeurosis
Methods: An observational descriptive prospective case-series study was conducted
with a single control group of 13 patients (17 eyelids) with aponeurotic ptosis without
disinsertion, from February to December 2017 at "Ramón Pando Ferrer" Cuban
Institute of Ophthalmology.
Results: 61.5 % of the study sample were male and 30.7 % were aged over 60
years. 30.7 % had senile ptosis, and in 47.1 % it was severe. Levator muscle function
was good in 64.7 % of the cases, and surgical correction was achieved in 88.3 %.
Complications occurred in 30%.
Conclusions: Ptosis is more common among male patients aged over 60 years, with
a predominance of senile involutional, unilateral and severe ptosis. The technique of
modified aponeurosis resection is effective in most cases, with minimum
complications. In a number of patients correction is not achieved, due to a weak
insertion of the aponeurosis into the tarsus, given the profuse bleeding, which
hampers correct visualization of the surgical planes.
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