2018, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatología 2018; 32 (2)
Internal osteosynthesis in multiple fractures
Cuní FR, Alfonso MS
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 439.00 Kb.
Automobile accidents, such as high-energy trauma, produce multiple injuries. The purpose of this paper is to describe the behavior and evolution of a 21-year-old patient who, when traveling as a passenger on a motorized bicycle, was hit by a car and projected more than 20 m away. He arrived at Dr. Carlos J. Finlay Central Military Hospital in an acute state of hypovolemic shock, with large deformities in both lower limbs. There were 13 fractures; hypovolemic shock was treated and he was operated on urgently. Internal osteosynthesis was performed with self-compressive AO sheets. After surgical treatment, he had several complications that were treated in a timely and properly. The patient evolved satisfactorily, with only a discrepancy of length of 2 cm of the right lower limb in relation to the left.
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