2019, Number 05
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2019; 87 (05)
Factors associated with severe preeclampsia in pregnant women seen in two hospitals in Huánuco, Peru
Checya-Segura J, Moquillaza-Alcántara VH
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 295-301
PDF size: 231.99 Kb.
Objective: Identify the predisposing factors of severe preeclampsia.
Materials and Methods: Observational, analytical study of cases and controls,
carried out in patients attended, from January to December 2017, at the Hermilio
Valdizan and Tingo María Contingency Hospitals of the Huánuco region. Factors
associated with preeclampsia were considered: pre-conception, maternal and environmental
factors. For the association between variables, a multivariate analysis
was performed using the logistic regression model, calculating the odds ratio and
95% confidence intervals.
Results: We included 136 cases (severe preeclampsia) and 272 controls. Among
the predisposing factors of severe preeclampsia were: preeclampsia (p ‹0.001, OR =
13.28), age of the mother over 35 years (p ‹0.001, OR = 3.93), obesity (p = 0.001,
OR= 3.66), pregnancy with a new sexual partner (p ‹0.001; OR = 7.15) and twin
pregnancy (p = 0.01; OR = 9.57).
Conclusion: The history of preeclampsia, maternal age over 35 years, obesity,
pregnancy of a new sexual partner and twin pregnancy are risk factors for severe
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