2018, Number 2
Uric acid as a predictor of preeclampsia
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 265.08 Kb.
Introduction: Hyperuricemia is a factor related to higher frequency of maternal complications in patients with preeclampsia. This metabolite decreases the production of nitric oxide at trophoblast level and it interferes with the normal trophoblastic invasion, thus compromises the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the placenta, displaying the accompanying poor perinatal outcomes.Objective: To analyze the relationship between hyperuricemia and preeclampsia.
Method: A descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study was carried out in 140 puerperal women at Guanabacoa Gynecobstetric Teaching Hospital, Havana, Cuba from January 2014 to January 2016. They showed high levels of uric acid in blood, with hypertensive disorders (preeclampsia). Serum values of uric acid (5.8 mg / dL or 327 μmol /L), were measured and processed in the clinical laboratory.
Result: Preeclampsia was more frequent in postpartum women with hyperuricemia (65 patients, 76.4%), the majority of the patients were obese (63%). Low birth weight resulted in the most frequent neonatal morbidity (73%) and puerperal sepsis in mother (60%).
Conclusion: Hyperuricemia was a predictor of maternal and perinatal complications in the puerperal women who had preeclampsia.
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