2018, Number 2
Effect of the 'Kangaroo Mother' program on posture and breastfeeding
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 437.24 Kb.
Introduction: Postural alterations are static and dynamic modifications of the body, leading to erroneous motor patterns and incorrect attitudes. During breastfeeding the adoption of different postures is necessary, implying keeping them for long periods of time; it is there where the accompaniment, training and advice is essential to the mother and support group aimed at the achievement of a successful, satisfactory breastfeeding process for the mother and the child.Objective: To identify the effect of Kangaroo Mother Program (KMP) on musculoskeletal disorders and the permanence of breastfeeding in mothers of premature infants.
Method: One hundred mothers of premature children were selected, 50 of them were in a hospital institution that has implemented the kangaroo mother program and the rest in another institution without this program. Data were analysed in SPSS 15.0 version 2, a Shapiro Wilk normality test was performed to establish whether the kangaroo mother program affects the appearance of pain through 2 x 2 tables. In all tests, the level of significance was established when the value was p ≤ 0.05.
Results: Women who participate in the Kangaroo Mother program have 3.1 times less risk of developing musculoskeletal pain than women who do not participate.
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