2019, Number 1
High-frequency oscillatory ventilation in newborns
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 596.42 Kb.
Introduction: The high-frequency oscillatory ventilation uses high breathing frequencies with a low tidal volume. It is implemented with favorable results at Ivan Portuondo Hospital since 2014.Objective: To assess the effectiveness of high frequency ventilation as a relief measure in neonates with severe lung disease.
Methods: A descriptive observational and prospective study was complete at Ivan Portuondo Hospital from January 2015 to November 2017. The sample consisted of 37 neonates ventilated with high frequency. The analyzed variables were sex, weight, gestational age, indications, permanence and survival in high-frequency oscillatory ventilation. For the analysis of the variables, we used the calculation of absolute and relative frequency and the chi – square calculation, establishing the statistical significance with a p- value of < 0.05.
Results: The use of high frequency ventilation was more frequent in female newborns (54.1 %), preterm newborns (54.1 %) and higher than 2500 gram (43.2 %). The main indication was the failure of the conventional ventilation (45,9 %), in which the hyaline membrane disease represented 41.1 %. The higher survival rate was obtained in the ventilated patients with airway obstruction (87.5 %) and those who stayed in ventilation longer than 48 hours (94.7 %). Mortality was higher in those ventilated less than 24 hours (p 0.0001).
Conclusions: The high-frequency ventilation is an efficient ventilator mode that improved the survival of newborns with serious respiratory problems.
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