2019, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Int Emerg 2019; 18 (1)
Nosocomial infections and drug resistance
Pérez VL, Fernández FA, Olivera RY, Puig MY, Rodríguez MA
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 479.51 Kb.
Introduction: Nosocomial infections are related with patient mortality and high cost in the Intensive Care Unit.
Objective: Describe the behavior of the healthcare–associated infections and drug resistance.
Methods: A prospective and descriptive epidemiological research was developed in the Joaquin Albarran ICU and we included all patient with healthcare–associated infections (64 patients in 2015 and 51 in 2016), from January of 2015 to December of 2016. Different variables were studied like profile to the admission, hospital stay, type of nosocomial infection, state at discharge, and dugs resistance. For statistical analysis, an information database was created using the 18th version of SPPS program, the X² test, Value of the p< 0.05 were considered significant.
Results: Ventilator-associated pneumonia was the most frequently infection in both years, caused by Klebsiella spp; bacteremia and urinary tract infection followed second. Mortality was associated with infection caused by different microorganisms in-patient with long term in care unit. More than 40 % of resistances for the different antimicrobial agents was presented in the study, except for colistine and vancomicine drugs. The meronem was most frequently drugs used.
Conclusions: The study evidenced that Ventilator-associated pneumonia was the most frequently infection caused by gram-negative agents. More than 50 % resistance for all the customarily drug used in intensive care unit was found except for colistine and vancomicine drugs.
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