2018, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (2)
Strengthening the effectiveness in free throws of young basketball players: biomechanical linking
Guerra SJR, Angulo PCH, Singre ÁJC, Campoverde PPR, Vargas VD
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 63-74
PDF size: 305.77 Kb.
Introduction: Basketball is a sport in which each action is aimed at scoring points, one of those forms are free throws that do not have a standard official model for their throws, but it is possible to determine patterns in each shot according to player with greater or lesser effectiveness.
Objective: To measure the training influence with biomechanical references on the free throw effectiveness from establishment of an ideal pattern of the effective shots.
Methods: An initial test of free throws effectiveness with load was used, which in turn was obtained the analysis biomechanical variables, after this one was aware of results with the most effective launch model for each player, same as it was used for five sessions training, finally the same free throw effectiveness test was taken with load. The study was carried out on 12 basketball players from girls' youth team of Guayaquil Roosters Club, Ecuador.
Results: At the intervention end it was found of micro cycle of 5 training sessions in general the team presented a slight increase in effectiveness from 59% in the initial test to 67 % in the final test. The effectiveness before and after comparison of proposal implementation was significant (p= 0.021), there being positive and negative linear correlations between final performance and biomechanical variables studied.
Conclusions: It is proven that the proposed model is beneficial in short term, despite not representing large changes in positive and negative linear correlations. In the case of free throws effectiveness, significant improvements were found.
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