2018, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (2)
Anxiety levels among students who start and finish their studies in physical activity
Cabeza PÁE, Llumiquinga GJR, Vaca GMR, Capote LG
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 54-62
PDF size: 194.38 Kb.
Introduction: Anxiety is a response of organism to an mental state alteration, caused by an endogenous or exogenous stimulus that affects the emotional balance levels, stress and anxiety of a certain optimal state.
Objective: To analyze the anxiety presented levels of by students of the first and eighth level in the career in Physical Activity, Sports and Recreation Sciences of the Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE.
Methods: The Inventory of Situations and Anxiety Answers (ISRA) is applied to measure cognitive anxiety in 41 students (7 women and 34 men) of the first (34 students) and eighth (7 students) academic semester immediately after beginning their final exams. The non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test (p≤ 0.05) is applied, establishing the existence or not of significant differences.
Results: Mann-Whitney established the non-existence of significant differences between the semesters studied (p= 0.282), with a higher average range in eighth semester (25.50) compared to first semester (20.07). The cognitive anxiety index mean was lower in first semester (48 points) than the eighth (55 points), there being an average of cognitive anxiety from qualitative point of view described as moderate anxiety to marked anxiety in both groups. Extreme individual anxiety levels are shown in the first semester that require specialized attention.
Conclusions: The causes of individual and collective levels anxiety originate in different adaptive levels presented by each group studied, which independently of being different merit the taking of specific actions.
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