2019, Number 2
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Odovtos-Int J Dent Sc 2019; 21 (2)
Fluoride Release of Giomer and Resin Based Fissure Sealants
Şişmanoğlu S
Language: English
References: 34
Page: 45-52
PDF size: 166.53 Kb.
Fissure sealants are applied to teeth to prevent caries development. The presence of the fissure
sealant creates a protective barrier, which prevents plaque accumulation to the pits and fissure. They
have a significant role in preventing pit and fissure caries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the
time-dependent fluoride ion release of giomer- and resin-based fissure sealants. Fissure sealants were
divided into 4 groups: BeautiSealant (Shofu, Japan), Clinpro Sealant (3M ESPE, USA), Helioseal F (Ivoclar
Vivadent, Liechtenstein), Fissurit F (Voco, Germany). Disk shaped samples were prepared for each sealant
material tested, and they were transferred into polyethylene vials containing 5 ml of deionized water.
Fluoride ion diffusion was determined on days 1,2,3,7,14,21, and 28 (n=7). The fluoride concentration in
these samples was analyzed using a pre-calibrated spectrophotometer in parts per million (ppm). These
experiments were performed in triplicates at room temperature. ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test were used
for statistical analysis. BeautiSealant was released the highest amount of fluoride on day 1 (5.33 ppm),
followed by a sudden decrease on the day 2 (2.17ppm). The burst effect was observed only in this group.
Clinpro Sealant, Fissurit F and HelioSeal F groups presented fluoride release of 2.69, 2.94 and 2.91 ppm
on the first day, respectively, without a significant difference (p›0.05). After the first week, a constant
fluoride release level has been reached. The fluoride release for the three resin-based fissure sealants
was slightly lower than that for the giomer-based. After the first week, materials exhibited no significant
difference and reached a plateau. The usage of a high and prolonged fluoride-releasing fissure sealant
material should be considered by clinicians, particularly in patients with caries risk.
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