2018, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (1)
Inclusion of physically disabled people in Parataekwondo practice: Effect on anxiety
Rendón MPA, Hernández JJ, Alomoto NR, Landeta VLJ, Marcillo ÑJC, Romero FE
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 22-31
PDF size: 229.02 Kb.
Introduction: Anxiety is a mental state characterized by restlessness, high excitement and insecurity with psychological influence on performance. The physical activity practice and sports is a branch of science that needs to control levels of anxiety, improving homeostasis.
Objective: To assess the influence exerted in the short term in the practice of parataekwondo on anxiety in two related samples of subjects with physical disability.
Methods: 20 beginner male subjects with different physical disabilities of the Club los Dragones (age range: 23-30 years) are studied. In the study of anxiety, the Idare Test (Anxiety Inventory State/Anxiety Trait) was applied in two moments, before and after the proposal was implemented for three months.
Results: The initial level of anxiety (pretest) was established at 46 points, for a High anxiety index, decreasing 6 points after applying the proposal for three months (40 points), for a qualitative mean level in the anxiety state.
Conclusions: It is demonstrated for the present investigation that the practice of parataekwondo in physically handicapped people without previous experience decreases the anxiety levels in short term.
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