2017, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol 2017; 55 (2)
Cognitive stimulation therapy for patients with Alzheimer's disease in Artemisa, Cuba, 2014-2016
Urrutia AN, Sosa PS, Álvarez CY, López BD, Hernández REW
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 13-30
PDF size: 389.97 Kb.
Introduction: Alzheimer's disease has become a great threat to the health and
wellbeing of elderly people, their family and the community. More than 60
conditions have been recorded to cause dementia, Alzheimer's disease being the
most common of them with 70% of the patients. Its appearance is a great
challenge for the patient and their family, as well as for doctors and society at
large. Non-pharmacological therapies are feasible alternatives to contribute to the
wellbeing and quality of life of people with dementia. Cognitive stimulation in
particular has proven effective to improve cognitive capabilities in these patients.
Objectives: Evaluate the effectiveness of a cognitive stimulation program for
patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease at the Memory Disorder Provincial
Comprehensive Community Care Service in San Antonio de los Baños, province of
Artemisa, Cuba, from 2014 to 2016.
Methods: A quasi-experimental community intervention study was conducted of a
sample of 80 patients with mild symptoms of Alzheimer's disease meeting the
inclusion and exclusion criteria established for the study. These patients were
selected from a universe of 228 diagnosed with the disease. The sample was
divided into two groups: experimental and control. The cognitive stimulation
program was applied in 45-50 minute sessions twice a week during two months of
training. All the patients were given the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test (MoCA)
to evaluate a number of cognitive capacities before and after the intervention.
Results: Relevant results were not found in the cognitive capacities of the study
groups according to the sociodemographic variables analyzed. At the close of the
cognitive stimulation program, the score for most of the cognitive capacities of
patients had risen in the experimental group and cognitive capabilities had fallen in
the control group.
Conclusions: The program proposed proved effective to train cognitive capacities
in the intervention group, supported by a notable response level (p< 0.05) in the
improvement of the cognitive status.
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