2016, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol 2016; 54 (2)
Ethical-moral behavior of people with HIV/AIDS in a health area
Martínez CSI, Pérez AY
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 3-17
PDF size: 215.45 Kb.
Introduction: People living with HIV / AIDS, as well as society and the state, share responsibility to prevent its spread, hence the importance of investigating the behavior of these people from an ethical approach.
Objective: To identify socially acceptable moral behavior in people living with HIV / AIDS in a health area.
Methods: An exploratory, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out to apply an ad hoc pattern, composed of four components: personal sense, ethical-moral knowledge of the disease, moral relationships and moral attitude. In the period from March to June 2014, 40 people living with HIV / AIDS resident in the selected health area were studied, who met the five inclusion criteria and who were interviewed (40) and participated (18) in the groups focal For the processing of the data, descriptive statistics techniques and procedures were used; a content analysis was included and the four dimensions of the pattern were formed with their respective variables.
Results: The people living with HIV / AIDS studied had very broad ethical and moral knowledge about their disease and identified ethical dilemmas related to respect for the confidentiality of diagnosis, non-adherence to treatment and levels of individual, social and solidarity responsibility.
Conclusions: The finding of risk behaviors (not therapeutic adherence and unprotected sexual relations) corroborated that the information about the threat to health and the training to perform the actions are necessary but not sufficient conditions to achieve self-care behavior in the short term. Most of the people living with HIV / AIDS studied need additional support, as the only information to modify behaviors is insufficient, even having experienced its negative effects does not guarantee the incorporation of healthy or protective behaviors in all individuals.
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