2019, Number 2
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Rev Biomed 2019; 30 (2)
Papel potencial de Aedes albopictus Skuse en la transmisión de virus dengue (DENV) en una zona de actividad piñera de Costa Rica
Calderón-Arguedas Ó, Moreira-Soto RD, Vicente-Santos A, Corrales-Aguilar E, Rojas-Araya D, Troyo A
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 33-41
PDF size: 346.83 Kb.
Objective. To evaluate, under an ecological perspective, the presence of
Aedes albopictus and the wild infection by dengue viruses (DENV) in an area
of pineapple activity in Costa Rica.
Materials and methods. Adult mosquitoes were collected in forest galleries
limiting pineapple plantations, houses adjacent to plantations (‹1 km),
and distant houses (1-10 km). Shannon-Wiener index was used to estimate
biodiversity. Larval infestation was evaluated in pineapple plants and houses,
and aedic house (HI) and container (CI) indices were calculated. Detection of
Ae. albopictus adults (bodies and heads) and larvae was performed
by RT-PCR and sequencing.
Results. A total 1376 adult mosquitoes were collected:
Ae. albopictus (5.81%),
Anopheles apicimacula (5.01%),
Culex coronator (11.55%),
Cx. inflictus
Cx. nigripalpus (48.11%),
Cx. quinquefasciatus (23.34%), and
Limatus durhamii (0.07%). Biodiversity index was higher in forest galleries.
Most adult
Ae. albopictus were collected in forests close to pineapple fields
(73/80), although only 2 larvae were detected in pineapple plants. Larval
indices in adjacent houses (HI: 40.7%, CI: 26.9%) and distant houses (HI:
51.7%, CI: 29.6%) were similar (HI Z=0.56, p=0.58; CI Z=0.16, p=0.87).
DENV-2 and DENV-3 were detected in 2/20 “pools” of
Ae. albopictus heads
and DENV-1 in 2/74 “pools” of larvae.
Conclusion. Forest galleries that are in proximity to pineapple plantations
could be considered “ecological islands” that are suitable for refuge of
albopictus. Presence of DENV in adults and larvae suggests an active role for
Ae. albopictus in virus transmission within this ecosystem.
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