2018, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2018; 32 (4)
The professor of Contemporary Medical Education
Salas PRS, Salas MA, Salas ML
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 249-262
PDF size: 260.39 Kb.
Introduction: The development of Cuban public health requires a growing number of well-trained professionals that guarantee an increase in the quality of the services provided to the population. The authors consider that the success of any educational process in health depends mainly on the work done by the professor and the student, since they allow a qualitative change in professional training and specialization in correspondence with the global challenges and trends that have as central axis the learning process of students.
Objective: To reflect on the role that the teacher of Cuban medical education must play in these times, emphasizing the didactic bases of the training processes of the professionals of the national health system, their teaching methods, as well as the functions that they must assume and the competences that they must develop.
Methods: A descriptive qualitative study was carried out, for which theoretical methods were used in order to carry out the analysis and synthesis of documentary and bibliographic reviews on the subject that was the object of this investigation.
Results: A proposal was made of the competences that each teacher in the Cuban medical sciences must possess in order to guarantee that the students build the ways of professional performance for each function planned in the study programs. The authors request from the readers their criteria in this regard.
Conclusions: Once analyzed the main functions and activities that should be assumed by the faculties of Cuban medical sciences universities and analyzed the global experiences and in which respect the studies of the authors of the present work have advanced, a competence system is proposed for the university professor of Cuban medical education.
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