2018, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2018; 32 (4)
Medication errors and professional values in the Cuban teaching-educational process
Martínez RA, Castro POE, Díaz FR, Fonseca GCM, de la Paz BT, Reyes PA
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 226-239
PDF size: 258.65 Kb.
Introduction: The training of health professionals in Cuba conceives their education in ethical and moral values. The errors by health professionals in their professional practices increase the risk of adverse events that threaten patient safety. Professional values help minimize errors and their effects. Medication errors are one of the most frequent.
Objective: To present general aspects of medication errors, the values of health professionals related to this topic, and the role of professional training in the culture of patient safety in Cuba.
Development: The concepts of patient safety and medication errors are presented, associated with the values of health professionals and the professional training process. The role of values in the prevention and evaluation of medication errors, as well as the methods most used in their detection.
Conclusions: The academy and the units of the Cuban health system play an essential role in the training in values of health professionals, so that they perform their functions in a culture of patient safety, where medication errors are adequately managed.
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