2018, Number 3
Identification of learning needs in occupational health by the family Medicine Specialist
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 195-207
PDF size: 256.07 Kb.
Introduction: In Cuba, primary health care must guarantee adequate healthcare services to workers.Objective: To identify the learning needs in occupational health of the Family Medicine specialist of Santa Clara Municipality, for comprehensive medical care of workers classified within the community.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive research was carried out including 30 Family Medicine specialists of Santa Clara Municipality, Villa Clara Province, in the period from January to April 2017. We used, from the theoretical level, the following methods: document analysis, analysis and synthesis, and induction-deduction. The empirical methods included guidelines for the analysis of the health situation and a performance test.
Results: In the review of the 30 reports of health situation analysis, occupation was identified in component 1 only in 30.0 % (nine documents) and the occupational risk factors in Component 2 was identified in 13 reports (43.3 %). The results of the performance test for 43.3 % (13 doctors) was not enough. However, the dimensions of training-improvement and medical care obtained, as a predominant category, fairly enough, unlike the dimensions of health promotion and risk prevention, whose highest assessment percentages corresponded to scarcely enough.
Conclusions: The methods and procedures used allowed to identify the learning needs of the Family Medicine specialists in the field of occupational health for comprehensive medical attention of the worker's health.
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