2019, Number 2
Drug-induced gingival enlargement in a kidney transplant patient treated with cyclosporine A
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 145-150
PDF size: 494.66 Kb.
Drug-induced gingival enlargement is described as an abnormal, exaggerated, and deforming growth of the gingiva caused by the ingestion of some medications. Anticonvulsants, antihypertensive calcium channel blockers and immunosuppressants are among the most common drugs. We present a 44-year-old male patient with a history of arterial hypertension and chronic renal failure, for 10 and three years, respectively. Twenty-two months after receiving a kidney transplant and treatment with cyclosporine, he visited the clinic due to an increase in the volume of the gums in both jaws, clinically compatible with a generalized and severe gingival enlargement.REFERENCES
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