2019, Number 2
Symptoms and diseases associated with climacteric and menopause
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 116-124
PDF size: 351.22 Kb.
Introduction: the climacteric is a period in a woman's life that affects her physical and mental well-being; when the life expectancy increases, so does the number of women who will go through this stage accompanied by symptoms dependent on hormonal alterations. These, in turn, can trigger various chronic conditions that become risks for cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, or other diseases that affect their quality and life expectancy.Objective: to identify their main symptoms, as well as, to determine the relationship between this hormonal deficit and some chronic diseases in women.
Methods: a literature review of the publications on climacteric and menopause included in different databases, in English and Spanish language, such as PubMed and Infomed was conducted during 2014 and 2018. The work was organized based on the information obtained from systematic reviews, meta-analyses, clinical trials and observational studies.
Conclusions: there is a close relationship between estrogen deficiency and the appearance of some chronic diseases. Increasing women's knowledge about the effects of this period and how to reduce its intensity, as well as, promoting the prevention of associated diseases, will allow them to enjoy longevity, physical and mental well-being and greater intellectual performance. This work is a tool, for a correct orientation and motivation of women, on healthier lifestyles in this stage of life.
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