2019, Number S1
Dysfunction of pelvic and sexual floor in women
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 1-25
PDF size: 191.02 Kb.
The Pelvic floor dysfunctions and sexual, occupy an important place among the chronic non-transmissible diseases; with the increase of the expectation and quality of life of the people, these sufferings reach are markable negative repercussion in the quality of life of those who suffer it.The weakness or injury of the elements that form the pelvic floor predisposes, especially to women,to present conditions at this level, which sometimes cause multiple symptoms such as urinary and fecal incontinence, genital prolapse, chronic pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction. Both dysfunctions in women share a group of risk factors/ chronic disease, its etiology is multidimensional and include age, multiparity, pregnancy, pelvic surgeries, instrumentations in childbirth, obesity, history of chronic diseases, the habitual use of certain medications and some toxic habits.In practice, we find little information about the repercussion of the sexual function of women affected with a pelvic floor disorder. The treatment can be conservative and/or surgical, with very encouraging results for the physiotherapy and rehabilitation, training directed to the pelvic floor muscles and the use of physical means such as electrical stimulation and magnetic field.The pelvic and sexual floor dysfunctions are frequent presentation diagnosed and treated. Both dysfunctions share a group of risk factors that are also common to other non-transmissible chronic diseases. The treatment must be comprehensive and personalized.REFERENCES
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