2019, Number S1
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Invest Medicoquir 2019; 11 (S1)
Bronchial asthma. Wheezing that still take up lifes
Borrazás GMC, Mesa PG
Language: Spanish
References: 51
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The bronchial asthma can affect individuals of any geographical age, ethnos and area, although has seen with bigger incidence in the woman and developed
countries. Suffers it a 3 to 7% of the adult population and the debut after the 50 years has worse prognostic, being the diagnosis in adult more difficult major for the companions morbidities. The escolar level can bear upon their evolution, as well as laboralenvironment. Constitutes a problem of health in the services of urgency and externals consults, besides the high cost in medicines and hospitalization. The not adhesion to the intercrisis treatment shares in bearing to a control wrong and prognostic of serious asthma. The treatment with steroids inhaled becomes a partner of clinical improvement and of functional pulmonary, smaller capacitance morbidity, with the consequent increase of quality of life.
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