2019, Number S1
The physical activity in promotion for health: guarantee of a healthy ageing
Language: Spanish
References: 40
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The ageing population is a demographic characteristic of the XXI century, the World Health Organization informs that the untransmissible illnesses are the main cause of death in the world; the same ones increase the repercussion and prevalence in old ages. Cuba is one of the countries with more ageing population of Latin America, the chronicle untransmissible illnesses represents the 80 per cent of all deaths. There are scientific evidences that physical activities reduce the progression of the chronicle illnesses and minimize the sedentary effects. To present an actual revision about physical activities in the health´s promotion.: Researches were made in websites and in libraries of national and international medical magazines indexed in Scielo, Imbiomed and Pubmed; in a background of 10 years of Spanish and English languages, just as revisions of scientific researches of ended studies and text books with information related to the benefits of the physical activity in patients with untransmissible illnesses: High levels of physical activity play a role in the course and seriousness of the chronicle untransmissible illnesses. The public politics’ generations and implementation of strategies that promote the physical activity in the population is an importantnecessity.REFERENCES
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