2019, Number S1
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Invest Medicoquir 2019; 11 (S1)
Nutritional condition and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Borrazás GMC, Pedroso MI, Rodríguez LH
Language: Spanish
References: 31
PDF size: 192.96 Kb.
Introduction. To evaluate the nutritional condition in patient with illness obstructive chronicle and their relationship with the diagnosis and inability grade.
Methods. He/she was carried out an observational, prospective, longitudinal study, applied 50 patients that attended the consultation of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with diagnostic of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in the one year period in the Surgical Medical Investigations Center. They were calculated the Index of Corporal Mass and they were classified according to nutritional condition and other sex variables, age and inability grade. To all the patients they were taken the data in and it clinical registers. A database was made using the statistical package SSPSS 11,0 the information was processed by means of technical descriptive (percentages, they mediates, medium, fashion, standard deviation). For the making of the final report of the results, they were carried out charts and graphics.
Results: bigger incidence in patient of advanced age with prevalence of the age group of 60--69 years, with a total of 38 patients, continued by that of 70-79 years with 11 patients, masculine sex, with the 3 symptoms that confirm the I diagnose studied, with prevalence of the dyspnea in 78 % of the sample, 80 % of the anxious patients and
with 60 % of the sample under weight.
Conclusions. They took educational, hygienic actions-dietary-nutritional very important for the regression of this illness to the normality or in advanced cases to produce a partial recovery and a program of exercises was applied guided to improve its quality of life.
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