2019, Number 1
Self-improvement of the teacher of Physical Education for the aquatic rehabilitation of the elderly, from a vision of science, technology and society
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 144-159
PDF size: 317.06 Kb.
The article constitutes a proposal directed to give answer to the social need for the selfimprovement of the teacher of Physical Education of the Center of Experience of the Elder Adult. It proposes as objective: to base the strategy for the self-improvement of the teacher of Physical Education directed to the aquatic rehabilitation of the elderly with articular limitations, from a vision of science, technology and society. It is recognized the opportunity that represents the employment of the new technologies as element that contributes to the progress of the quality of life of the elderly. The magnitude of the challenge demands the putting in action of all the springs with which the society is provided, for the attention to the aging, by means of diverse programs, which significance helps to strengthen the national identity, and to raise the integral general culture of the teachers towards the elderly which will reverberate in the formation of a social, political and cultural conscience.REFERENCES
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