2018, Number 2
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Geroinfo 2018; 13 (2)
Speed of the march and some parameters spatial-temporal in older people from Policlínico 'Heroes of Moncada'. 2011-2014
Tápanes LI, González MA, Simón DMJ, Cascudo BN, Ranero AV
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 1-26
PDF size: 279.92 Kb.
Introduction: speed of the March has been gone into like a potential factor of
prediction of adverse events: falls, fractures, institutionalization, death and he has
a narrow relation with the cycle of frailty.
Objective: determining speed of the March and some parameters spatialtemporal
in older people.
Method: a descriptive and cross-section investigation in 422 elderly of the
Polyclinic “Héroes of the Moncada” in the period understood of May 2011 to 2014
developed. Speed of the march determined to the habitual step in 4.5 meters and
his parameters spatial-temporal like: Cadence of the Step, Time himself of stride
and Longitud.
Results: the mean value of the speed of the march went from 0.74m/seg, the
cadence 86.64pasos/min, Time of stride 1.49seg, length of the stride 0.996m.
Conclusions: the half value of the speed of the march was below the considered
normal values in other populations mature adults for both sexes and those of
more age had worse results and a relationship existed statistically significant
among the age, sex, comorbility, activities of the daily life with the applied test of
acting physique: speed of the march and their variable spatial-temporal.
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