2019, Number 2
Intervención educativa para la prevención del daño renal en pacientes diabéticos
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 160-173
PDF size: 232.81 Kb.
Introduction: diabetic nephropathy is an important complication of diabetes mellitus, and because of its repercussion, it is a must to investigate it in the initial stages. Objective: to determine the impact of an educational intervention on the metabolic control of diabetic patients and on the progression of kidney damage. Method: an intervention study was conducted in a medical office from January 2017 to January 2018. The sample consisted in 21 diabetic patients. The variables were: age, sex, type and time of diabetes mellitus, degree of metabolic control, associated vascular risk factors and microalbuminuria. The study was divided into stages. An initial diagnosis was made, and on this basis, an educational intervention strategy was designed and carried out, later the variables were evaluated. Results: female patients and diabetes mellitus type 2 predominated. A 42.9% of patients had more than 10 years of evolution of the disease. Before the intervention, 71.2% of patients had poor metabolic control of their disease. The vascular risk factors that were most frequently associated with a poor metabolic control were hypertension (87.5%), dyslipidemia (31.3%) and ischemic heart disease (25%). Before the intervention, 38% of patients presented positive microalbuminuria. After the intervention, there was improvement in metabolic control and very significant and favorable changes in microalbuminuria values. Conclusions: the educational intervention was effective; it was shown by the favorable changes in the metabolic control and the markers of kidney damage in the patients of the study.REFERENCES
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