2019, Number 03
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2019; 87 (03)
Obstetric hemorrhage secondary to placenta previa and giant retroplacental leiomyoma cervical. Case report
Villagómez-Mendoza EA, Martínez NJE, Toriz PA
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 202-207
PDF size: 243.46 Kb.
Background: Leiomyomas and gestation are an association with unpredictable
complications, in which their incidence is increased by the delay of the first gestation
and as maternal age advances, its relationship with postpartum hemorrhage and high
risk of obstetric hysterectomy increases maternal morbidity and mortality proportionally.
Clinic case: A 30-year-old patient without prenatal care and a clinically terminal
pregnancy, who attended the emergency department due to obstetric pain and transvaginal
bleeding. Physical examination revealed first labor, 9cm of dilation, height of
presentation -4 according to plans From Lee, placental edge was palpated at the cervical
level, accompanied by moderate transvaginal bleeding, bright red, mater code is
activated and prepared for cesarean section, for bleeding placenta, during the surgical
event, corroborates diagnosis and tumor that starts on the face posterior, lower uterine
segment and ends at the cervical level, with multiple vessels of bleeding neoformation
and secondary uterine atony, causing significant hemorrhage, obstetric hysterectomy was
performed, a new born with sex female woman with a weight of 3145 g, size 51cm,
Capurro 41 weeks of gestation was obtained, Apgar 7/9, the total blood loss was 2000
cc, 4 days of inpatient hospital stay, the binomial without complications was graduated.
Conclusion: The association of uterine myomatosis and pregnancy increase the
risk of maternal complications, adequate ultrasound monitoring and prenatal control,
determine the repercussion during the evolution of pregnancy and childbirth, conservative
management should always be considered.
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