2019, Number 1
Ischemic stroke in patients over 60 years of age treated at
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 3-12
PDF size: 352.42 Kb.
Introduction: the current increase in the aging population is accompanied by an increase in chronic noncommunicable diseases, with ischemic stroke being one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in the elderly.Objective: to characterize the ischemic stroke in elderly patients treated at the Dr. León Cuervo Rubio hospital in the 2014-2017 period.
Method: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in the Dr. León Cuervo Rubio hospital, in the Pinar del Río municipality, between 2014 and 2017, being randomly selected from a universe of 387 patients with a clinical and imaging diagnosis of stroke, a sample of 276 older adults. The interrogation, review of the clinical history, and the application of instruments allowed to obtain the information that gave exit to the variables studied. The ethical principles were respected.
Results: females predominated (60,9 %), age groups 60-64 and 60-69 years (27,5 %), with arterial hypertension being the main comorbidity, and sedentary lifestyle the main risk factor. We found a predominance of faciobrachiocrural hemiparesis as an initial symptom (52,5 %) and limb paralysis (52,2 %) as the main sequel left by this entity. Older adults with a severe degree of neurological involvement predominated (35,5 %), as well as those who presented a moderate functional status at discharge (28,3 %).
Conclusions: the study allowed to know the particularities of said group, as well as to identify which factors should be studied in groups prone to develop said disease, preventing its appearance.
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