2019, Number 1
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Rev Méd Electrón 2019; 41 (1)
Arterial hypertension control and secondary prevention reduce ischemic hearth disease. An aim with in reach
Pons BE, Afonso LJA, Ruau AMC
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 232-238
PDF size: 704.78 Kb.
The arterial hypertension control is the most effective measure to reach the decrease
of the total mortality. A current proposal to reach this goal is the implementation of
standardized treatment regimes, associated to the secondary prevention of the
ischemic heart disease. In this sense it is important the access of the patient to the
medicines, the team work and the surveillance of the arterial pressure control and the
progress of the patients receiving treatment, for what monitoring and assessment are
main elements.
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