2019, Number 1
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Rev Méd Electrón 2019; 41 (1)
The importance of Bethesda system in the cytological diagnosis of the cervix pre-cancerous lesions
Cuba RM, González PM, Scull MM, Panuncia HY, Casamor CG
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 203-210
PDF size: 725.72 Kb.
The cervical-uterine cancer causes almost 250 000 death a year around the world and
around 400 in Cuba in spite of the efforts made by the Public Health Ministry through
the Screening Program. With it, the diagnosis of lesions that are predecessors of the
cervical cancer could be reached. This cytological diagnosis is carried out through the
Richard and Barron method, showing that there is an apparent cytological progress
leading to the cancer that begins with intraepithelial neoplasia (NICI and NICIII and
carcinoma in-situ) and ends in the invasive cancer. From the other hand there is the
Bethesda methods answering to all the questions cytology ask for confronting
it. Obviously the biggest contributions and reviews are focused in the management of
the atypical cytologies with uncertain significance since they not only have a higher
number of possible evaluations, but also represent the highest percent of the altered
cytologies and the inclusion of the HPV in low grade lesions. The classification in Cuba
is still made by the Richard method and the Bethesda one is not used. Due to the high
incidence of this entity, the aim of this article is exposing considerations on the
implementation of the Bethesda system in the cytological diagnosis of cervix precancerous
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