2019, Number 1
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Rev Méd Electrón 2019; 41 (1)
Aberrant regeneration of the III cranial nerve due to bilateral cerebral aneurism
Miña OL, García HC, Pérez DZ, O”Relly ND, Honan GA, Moreno MLI
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 163-172
PDF size: 2806.20 Kb.
The disturbances in ocular motility are the cause of periodical consultation in
Ophthalmology. The aberrant regeneration, a scarcely reported disturbance, is
considered the oculomotor synkinesis of highest disability and complexness. Several
neuro-ophthalmologic conditions are implicated in the disease ethiopathogeny, and
most of them could lead to death. The management of the symptoms and signs caused
by paradoxical conjugated ocular movements is difficult. A case is reported of late
remission to Neuro-ophthalmology due to unfavorable diagnosis and evolution. The
psycho-physical history led to a definitive diagnosis of aberrant regeneration of the III
secondary cranial nerve, to cerebral aneurism of the bilateral internal carotid,
worsened by surgical re-anastomosis. In front of any paralysis of the III cranial nerve,
it is necessary a rigorous, obligatory and immediate neuro-ophthalmological history to
arrive to a precise etiological diagnosis, protecting life in that way.
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