2019, Number 1
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Rev Méd Electrón 2019; 41 (1)
Folic acid and pregnancy, benefit or risk?
Hernández UF, Martínez LG, Rodríguez AY, Hernández SD, Pérez GA, Almeida CS
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 142-155
PDF size: 744.01 Kb.
Acid folic intake has been related to the decrease in the incidence of congenital
malformations and obstetric deficiencies but there are criteria about folic acid not
always achieving the expected favorable results for mothers and their descendants.
A search on the theme was carried out with the objective of structuring the
theoretical assumptions upholding the benefit and risk of folic acid intake for
pregnancy. 37 updated bibliographic references were consulted. The folic acid has
two main functions in the organism: nucleic acids´ synthesis and repair, and also
the synthesis of the methionine amino acid from homocystein; when the last one
accumulates in the organism, it is associated to congenital defects and adults´
chronic diseases. Beginning from these aspects, it is stated that the intake before
and after pregnancy is beneficial because it prevents defects of the neural tube,
some congenital deficiencies, oral facial clefts, Down syndrome, autism spectrum
disorders, obstetric infections, preeclampsia, uterine hemorrhage, sudden placental
abruption, intrauterine grow retardation and prematurity. The excessive intake of
more than 5 mg/d has been associate to anemia due vitamin B12 deficiency, zinc
deficiency, intrauterine retarded grow and prematurity; in animal models it speeds
up the malignant transformation of existent tumors. The authors arrived to the
conclusion that folic acid contributes to preserving a normal embryogenesis and
placentation, and that no adverse effects have been demonstrated, nevertheless it
should be taken in adequate doses and for medical prescription.
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