2019, Number 1
Behavior of brain metastases in lung cancer in Matanzas
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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Introduction: in the last three decades, cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplasms have become the main health problem in Cuba as a consequence of the steady improvement of the health levels, the prevention of the communicable diseases, and the increase of the life expectancy at birth; among them lung cancer stands out as the primary tumor that more frequently causes metastatic brain compromise.Objective: to analyze the behavior of brain metastases in patients with lung cancer.
Materials and methods: a retrospective and descriptive study was carried out in 96 patients with cyto-histological diagnosis of lung cancer and brain metastases, who attended the external consultation of the Provincial Oncologic Center of Matanzas, from January 2013 to December 2016. Clinicdemographic data were obtained from the patients´ individual clinical reports and the Cancer Report document.
Results: the highest incidence of lung cancer corresponds to people aged 45-64 years; it behaves very similar both in male and in female genders, thought the first one shows more quantity of cases; white color skin predominated in both sexes. As for the brain metastases, they are more common from the fifth to the seventh decade of life.
Conclusions: brain metastasis appears from early ages and up to the elder age; the highest percent was diagnosed at the beginning of the disease, being this an important risk factor.
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