2019, Number 1
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Rev Méd Electrón 2019; 41 (1)
Survival in women with breast cancer. Hospital “Jose Ramon Lopez Tabrane”.Province of Matanzas. 2010-2015
García SJ, Busto HJ, Hernández MM, Schery GO, García BJA
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 118-129
PDF size: 3005.74 Kb.
Introduction: in the last three years, mortality rates due to breast cancer in the
female sex in Cuba slightly decreased, but studies of this disease survival have not
been carried out in the province of Matanzas.
Objective: to evaluate the behavior of the global survival time of this series at the
5th year and to assess survival according to chosen variables.
Material and method: a retrospective, longitudinal, observational descriptive
study was carried out; 288 women diagnosed with breast cancer took part on it;
they were diagnosed in the mastology consultation of the hospital “Jose Ramon
Lopez Tabrane”, province of Matanzas during the period January 1st 2010-
December 31st 2015. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to determine the global
survival time at the 5th year according to chosen variables. The comparison of the
different curves for the exposition variables was made using the Log Rank test. The
test value higher than 1 and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: global survival at the 5th year was 66 %. There are survival rates well
below the international standards for the stage III (37 %) and stage IV (0)
patients. Global survival significantly decreases insofar as the number of affected
ganglia and the size of the tumor at the moment of the diagnosis increase.
Conclusions: global survival at the 5th year was lower than the one recorded in
most of the consulted international studies. There is a remarkable decrease of
survival in patients with disease advanced clinical stages: III and IV.
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