2019, Number 1
Epidemiological factors related to breast cancer. Hospital ¨José Ramón López Tabrane¨. Province of Matanzas. 2010-2015
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 104-116
PDF size: 1178.71 Kb.
Introduction: breast cancer is the second cause of mortality in Cuban women, exceeded in the last three years only by tracheal, bronchial and lung neoplasms.Objective: to describe several epidemiological characteristics related to this disease.
Material and method: a retrospective, observational-descriptive epidemiological study was carried out in women diagnosed with breast neoplasm in the Mastology consultation of the provincial hospital ¨Jose Ramon Lopez Tabrane¨, of Matanzas, in the period from January 1st 2010 to December 31st 2015. The sample was formed by 288 women, and for data analyses were used absolute frequencies and percents.
Results: there was a predominance of white patients (65.6 %), aged 40-69 years (71.2 %), and without familiar antecedents of breast cancer (86.1 %). The clinicalpathological variables were characterized by the predominance of stage II patients (62.2 %), with menopausal status at the moment they were diagnosed (56.9 %), and with a tumor sized 2-5 cm (77.4 %). The most frequent histological kind was the duct infiltrative carcinoma that was present in 85.7 % of the series; histological grade II tumor was diagnosed in 43.6 % of the patients. it is important to say that 61.1 % of the studied women showed gangliar affectation at the moment of the diagnosis.
Conclusions: the main socio-demographic and clinic-pathological factors related to this disease are described, allowing a closing to carry out future causal research.
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