2019, Number 1
Behavior of the chronic immunoinflammatory periodontal disease. Jovellanos. Matanzas
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 78-89
PDF size: 773.51 Kb.
Introduction: According to the World Health Organization, periodontal disease represents a public health problem in the developed countries and in the developing ones. It affects the life quality of people suffering it. This term groups together several entities affecting the tooth´s insertion and protection tissues; periodontitis, a chronic immunoinflammatory process, is found among them.Objective: estimate the prevalence of periodontal disease inmunoinflamatoria chronic in the municipality of Jovellanos, province of Matanzas.
Materials and methods: a cross-sectional descriptive, observational study was carried out in the municipality of Jovellanos, province of Matanzas from June 2009 to June 2010 for the sake of estimating the prevalence of the chronic immunoinflammatory periodontal disease.
Results: 54.5 % of the population did not present the studied disease. The 5-11- years-old group was the one contributing more to these results. The disease was diagnosed in 45.5 % of the studied population, and started to manifest beginning from the 15-18-years-old age group. 92.9 % of the individuals aged 60 to 74 years were the most affected ones.
Conclusions: from the periodontal point of view, the quantity of healthy patients oscillated between 49.4 % and 59.6 % of the total population. The disease incidence increases with age. The presence of pockets was higher from the age of 35 years on, and caused great affectation in individuals aged 60-74 years.
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