2018, Number 5
Physical activity and quality of life in the elderly. A narrative review
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 813-825
PDF size: 754.84 Kb.
Introduction: The study of quality of life in the elderly is of great importance in order to improve health levels in this segment of population. One of the factors invoked as determinant of quality of life is the practice of physical activities.Objective: To identify the role of physical exercise as determinant factor of quality of life in the elderly.
Material and methods: Databases such as Google Scholar and Dialnet were consulted. Publications of the last 5 years were analyzed. The descriptors employed were: physical activity and physical exercise in the elderly. Articles related to chronic diseases, dementia, malnutrition, or caregivers were excluded. In this way, a total of 8 articles were selected and analyzed.
Development: The reviewed articles coincide with the fact of considering physical activity as an important determinant of quality of life in the elderly, due to its physical and psychological repercussions (better physical health indexes, high self-esteem, vitality, and positive social interaction). Physical activity is linked to categories such as functional capacity, cognitive capacity, productive activities, functional autonomy, functional independence, selfesteem, physical health, mental health, optimism, social participation, social inclusion, vitality, active ageing, healthy ageing, and mental concentration.
Conclusions: Physical activity has a preponderant role as determinant of the quality of life in older adults.
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